The Lord Our God is One Lord…
God is the whole thing, beyond what we could ask or imagine. ~ Jamie Winship
This is how we know that our God is God. God is bigger than anything we can think of; bigger than anything we know of and bigger than anything we even know to ask about. God just is. God is the Great I Am. What is the “the Great I Am”? Everything.
Our minds can only produce so much imagery before we reach our capacity. God is beyond that small capacity. It is has been said by others that our mind / brain can only reach the idea, or concept, of one million. Our mind / brain has nothing to compare numbers to beyond that limited capacity. Makes sense. What does one hundred million look like? One billion, one trillion and so forth? We have no idea. What does this mean to you…1,000,000,000 how much does that number represent and what is there in our world, that we interact with, that we can point to and say, definitely, yes that is 1,000,000,000. Not something short of or greater than but that number exactly. That’s how God works in our life. God is beyond what we can ask and beyond what we can imagine.
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is , Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. ~ Msrk 12:29-31 KJB
Most of us, a lot of us, well, maybe some of us just want love. We sometimes think, or believe we know what love is to us, we see other people in love, we love our dog, or our pet, and we go about our business attempting to feel loved. Some of us, a lot of us or maybe most of us, have no idea what it means to feel loved. Do we feel love in the way that love is meant to be felt or, do we go around telling ourselves we are loved when, in fact, we don’t feel anything and that’s why a lot of people fall into addiction of some sort? We, at GNN, constantly discuss addiction as a way of filling our “worship basket” with something. God is love, and love is God. God and love go hand-in-hand. Â Addiction, or the worship of another “god” in some weird alien like form, is how we get off track. We are attempting to feel love, we are attempting to feel something that we see others enjoying, but we wind up confused, hurt and angry. There is a way to get back on track.
Confession, repentance and loving others. Yes, loving others allows us to feel loved. Most of us aren’t interested in loving others until we have confessed and repented of our past troubles. Bowing before the Lord our God in heaven we discover how small we are and how big He is. We discover loving others, giving love away, means keeping love for ourselves. It means love rebounds back to us. It means love fills our heart, our mind and our soul in order to give it to another person.
Once a person sees past their sin, after confessing and repenting, there comes a time when helping others is in full view. We see the pain and suffering of others and we want to do something about it, we want to get involved, we want to allow God to use us to be a vessel for change. This is called love. When we engage with others, when we begin giving others what we have, when we begin seeing others pain and suffering as our pain and suffering we are actually seeing love in action. We are becoming love in action. We are beginning to share love with others and, in turn, begin feeling love in our heart, in our mind and in our soul. We begin being loved.
How can God be in Jesus, Jesus in God and They in us and us in Them, if we are still seeing, hearing and pursuing another god? How can we love with all our heart, all our mind (understanding) and all our strength if a piece of one area, or all three areas, of our life is focused on something other than God?
Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.